Basic installation of Icinga 2.13.6

These notes are based on the official and pretty awful Icinga2 documentation at:

Unless stated otherwise, all the following commands should be run as root.

Steps which are not mentioned in the official documentation are shown in italics. Steps in the official documentation which you should not perform are also shown in italics.

The following should be done on any Master, Satellite or Agent

  1. Install pre-requisites:
    aptitude install apt-transport-https wget gnupg
  2. do not install the repository signing key using the following command from the official documentation, as this method is deprecated by Debian and Devuan
    wget -O - | apt-key add -
    • instead you should use:
      wget -O - | gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/icinga-archive-keyring.gpg
  3. You should then create the sources.list file as:
    deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/icinga-archive-keyring.gpg] icinga-bullseye main

    Adjust the release name "bullseye" as appropriate for whichever version of Debian or Devuan this machine is running - however always use the Debian name in this file, even if you are running Devuan. The cross-reference table at may help identify which release name to use.

  4. Update the package list:
    aptitude update
  5. Install icinga and the standard monitoring plugins:
    aptitude install icinga2 monitoring-plugins
  6. You should also have a look at monitoring-plugins-contrib and if you want to use any of these checks as well, install the package:
    aptitude install monitoring-plugins-contrib

If this is the only machine you are setting up (to monitor itself), or if this is a Master server in a Master - (Satellite/s) - Agent/s setup, you should now proceed with the setup of Icingaweb2 so that you can see the results of what is being monitored.

If this is a Satellite or Agent machine, you should proceed instead with connecting this machine to the next one up in the hierarchy.

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