
Update 2023: The notes below were last updated in 2017, for what is now quite an old version of Icinga, therefore I have created a new page which discusses setting up Icinga 2.13.6 in a Master-Satellite-Agent configuration.

I like Icinga as a monitoring system. It's a spinoff from the Nagios project, and does (in my opinion) a really good job where you want a hierarchical monitoring system for multiple customers (or maybe multiple departments) who shouldn't see the monitoring for each other's machines:

  • I have a Master monitoring system where I do all the configuration, and I can see all machines in Icingaweb2
    • Each of my customers has a "satellite" monitoring system, which receives its configuration from my Master server, and shows the customer their own machines in the local copy of Icingaweb2, but has no visibility of the other customers' systems
    • Each customer system does its own monitoring, so even if network connectivity is lost between the customer server and my Master server, the customer's monitoring is not affected, and events are later propagated back to the Master when it becomes available again

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