Problems installing FusionPBX

If you follow the instructions for downloading and installing FusionPBX on Debian, but on a Devuan system, it will fail to work without telling you.

It looks like it's worked, because you get to see the FreeSwitch CLI "logo" shortly before the end of the FusionPBX installation.

However, there are some messages right at the end of the installation which look as though they might mean something doesn't work correctly:

Setting up postgresql (13+225) ...
Processing triggers for man-db (2.9.4-2) ...
Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.31-13+deb11u6) ...
resources/ 82: systemctl: not found
resources/ 83: systemctl: not found
resources/ 55: /usr/bin/php: not found
ERROR:  relation "v_domains" does not exist
LINE 1: insert into v_domains (domain_uuid, domain_name, domain_enab...
resources/ 61: /usr/bin/php: not found
resources/ 64: /usr/bin/php: not found
resources/ 65: /usr/bin/php: not found
resources/ 72: /usr/bin/php: not found
ERROR:  relation "v_users" does not exist
LINE 1: insert into v_users (user_uuid, domain_uuid, username, passw...
ERROR:  relation "v_groups" does not exist
LINE 1: select group_uuid from v_groups where group_name = 'superadm...
resources/ 80: /usr/bin/php: not found
ERROR:  relation "v_user_groups" does not exist
LINE 1: insert into v_user_groups (user_group_uuid, domain_uuid, gro...
resources/ 95: /usr/bin/php: not found
resources/ 98: /bin/systemctl: not found
resources/ 99: /bin/systemctl: not found
resources/ 103: systemctl: not found
resources/ 104: systemctl: not found
resources/ 105: systemctl: not found
resources/ 109: /bin/systemctl: not found
resources/ 110: /bin/systemctl: not found
resources/ 111: /bin/systemctl: not found

These are not actually reported as errors by the installer, but they do indicate that things are not going to work.

I ended up with:

Installation Notes. 

   Please save the this information and reboot this system to complete the install. 

   Use a web browser to login.
      domain name:
      username: admin
      password: 9JZ3o5KfpN1G2ov2fqMvDFbUOw

   The domain name in the browser is used by default as part of the authentication.
   If you need to login to a different domain then use username@domain.
      username: admin@

   Official FusionPBX Training
      Fastest way to learn FusionPBX. For more information
      Available online and in person. Includes documentation and recording.

      Location:               Online
      Admin Training:          TBA
      Advanced Training:       TBA
      Continuing Education:

   Additional information.

After rebooting the system as instructed, I pointed a browser at the IP address and got a 502 Bad Gateway error from nginx/1.18.0

It made no difference which of two different versions each of three different browsers I tried; there was nothing to log in to.

So, it clearly hasn't worked. suggests a permissions problem, but in my case, /var/log/nginx/error.log was full of No such file or directory, generally referring to PHP stuff.

This, combined with the messages at the end of the installer such as resources/ 55: /usr/bin/php: not found suggest to me that FusionPBX requires PHP and the installer hasn't installed it. It definitely hasn't installed a packaged version, and find tells me it hasn't installed anything else either. Bad marks for the installer.

The nginx errors refer to php8.1, but this version of Devuan (4, Chimaera) which is based on the FusionPBX-recommended version of Debian (11, Bullseye) offers php7.4. Strange.

Manually installing the php package also installed apache2-bin which seems odd considering that FusionPBX has already clearly installed nginx. However, a reboot after installing php left things precisely the same in terms of nginx errors and "502 Bad Gateway".

Looking more closely at the installer script, it appears that it expects to get a known Debian release name (such as "stretch", "buster" or "bullseye") out of the lsb_release -cs command, which on this Devuan system returns "chimaera".

This clearly buggers up the PHP installer, because it can't decide which version to install, and therefore doesn't install anything (but without reporting a visible error).

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