Adventure game room names

Most people (as far as I'm aware) regard all the locations in adventure games as "rooms". Certainly IFM treats every location as a "room" no matter whether it's indoors, outdoors, underwater, in space or whatever.

Spellbreaker names quite a number of its locations explicitly so:

  • Water Room
  • Soft Room
  • Changing Room
  • Air Room
  • String Room
  • Dark Room
  • Light Room
  • Nondescript Room

This got me thinking about a list of words you could prefix to "room" for use in some game, and I came up with:

  • Green
  • Changing
  • Dark
  • Wet
  • Bath
  • Dining
  • Living
  • Waiting
  • Operating
  • Play
  • Music
  • Locked
  • Bed
  • Strong
  • Steam
  • Store
  • Show
  • Drawing
  • Server
  • Reading
  • Laundry
  • Work
  • Powder

I'm sure there are others.

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