Web of Lies, by David Kristoph

ISBN: 9788577488307
Amazon ID: B08PYQWJV5


The book gets off to a bad start, with the main character being an irresponsible idiot who can't even tell when to stop being an idiot, after he's realised that that's what he's being.

It is nowhere near as good as the author's Spore.

As the chapters go on, the style also gets pretty irritating by jumping around in time, backwards and forwards (and the forward jumps aren't even marked - you have to work it out that the story has now resumed to some point you were reading about earlier; the backward ones are at least labelled "five years earlier", or "two days earlier" etc.). Oh, and no, there is no system to this - it's not like the story is jumping between two timelines - the "previous" incidents are all over the place (or time).


The ending (or "Epilogue" as it's titled) is an appalling betrayal of everything you've read so far. It's like one of those stories you wrote in English classes in school where "this happened, and that happened, and then they all woke up and realised it wasn't real".


  • Chapter 2: "three widescreen monitors arranged in a semicircle".
    • Hm, sounds more like three sides of a square to me
  • Chapter 10: "Another guard stood just inside the bathroom, wearing sunglasses like it was midnight."
    • Sunglasses? Midnight? What?
  • Chapter 24: "He made a sick noise while trying to breath."
    • No, the verb is "breathe".
  • Chapter 33: "The office held a single desk with a CTR monitor…"
    • Hm, so that would be a Cathode Tube Ray? Maybe better a "CRT monitor".
  • Chapter 38: "I know delaying that start of principle filming is …"
    • You film on principle, or your first filming is the principal filming?


Not a good story, about not a nice person, with not a realistic ending, and in the end, an over-blown implausibility.

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