The Simulation Hypothesis, by Rizwan Virk

ISBN: 9780983056904
Amazon ID: B07M81F1KG

This is a well-researched and fascinating book about whether the world we live in (tea, uranium, planets, dolphins, galaxies, etc) is actually a computer simulation along the lines of The Matrix.

The scientific background and investigations are excellent, religions are also given their due in backing up the author's assertion that, in fact, we are, and overall it's a very thought-provoking book.

The central argument is impossible either to refute or to prove, but the evidence presented hangs quite heavily (and therefore very intriguingly) on the side of "yes, we live in (something like) The Matrix".

The grammar and proof-reading are very high quality too, which is a disappointing thing to have to say in a review of modern books, but all too often this is not the case, and therefore it's worth pointing out when a book not only has good content, but is linguistically well-written and edited as well.

Thoroughly recommended.

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