The Last Town, by Blake Crouch

ISBN: 9781477822586
Amazon ID: B00GUU9262

This is the final book in the Wayward Pines trilogy, following on from Wayward.

By the time I got to the end of book 2, I was thinking "oh good, the real story can actually get going now".

The third book (aside from a couple of flashbacks) tells disparate stories of various people from the first two books as they deal with the events at the end of book 2. It all feels quite disjointed, right until you get to the end.

There is an epilogue (spelled correctly, I notice) which tells whether the characters from book 3 succeeded in their final endeavours, but unfortunately it's only 9 words long.

The author continues with his habit from book 2 of occasionally omitting nouns from sentences and simply referring to things using adjectives. It's often quite unsettling to read like this.

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