Storm Portal, by Michael R Stern

ISBN: 9781976904523
Amazon ID: B078XJ94C2

The first six chapters (of 21) of this book are so American that it's a challenge to get through them. There are so many weird expressions used (I can tell that some of them come from baseball, but I have no idea about others, or quite what they're supposed to mean) that the story loses meaning.

The, from chapter seven onwards, the president of the United States enters the story, and behaves in such an implausible fashion that the story loses all credibility.

In chapter eight, the main character goes home for dinner, and his wife has made lasagne (which for some reason is spelled lasagna). He told her earlier that he was bringing a colleague as well, but by the time he goes home, he has invited another one to join them too. A short while later another one telephones and gets invited, with his wife, as well, and then during dinner (in chapter nine) the doorbell rings, and four unexpected visitors are invited in - they are also offered dinner. That's a total of ten people eating lasagne so far, and six of them then have second portions.

I do wonder what size lasagne was cooked in the first place, for two people (but was sufficient for three), which then managed to provide sixteen portions.

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