Life of Crime, by Kimberley Chambers

ISBN: 9780008144760
Amazon ID: B073Z3Z55D

This is a well-written and very unpleasant story about very unpleasant characters who behave very unpleasantly, selfishly, anti-socially and frequently illegally, and most of whom have no interest in or care for anyone but themselves, and are not in fact any good at looking after themselves either.

By all means try reading it if you need to feel you're better than the lowest dregs of society, but don't bother if you prefer stories where you can at least potentially identify with the character or motivations of at least one of the characters involved. If you can identify with any of the people in this book, then I'm very sorry for you, and I'm surprised to find you here reading this website.

The author is clearly very capable of stringing some words together and creating a good narrative, so it's just a woeful pity that she chooses to write such an awful story about such unpleasant people. If instead she were to create some decent characters and put them in a less dreary situation, and give them something worthwhile to do, then readers might actually be able to enjoy the words, and the skill of the story-telling.

As it is, though, my advice is to buy almost anything else made of paper. I was lucky (?) enough to find the e-book as a special deal on Amazon, for nothing. Free of charge. If any other of Kimberley's books are available like that, I might give her another go, but otherwise I plan to read authors whose previous books I've liked, or who I haven't read at all, on the basis that they might be quite good.

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