Executed, by R.R. Haywood

ISBN: 9781611099324
Amazon ID: B01N0QQWCL

This is the second book in the Extracted trilogy, and is the one where the story starts.

The first book is simply a confusing introduction, where nothing happens other than three disparate people being brought together for no adequately explained reason, by someone whose motives and intentions are never revealed.

However, even once the story itself becomes apparent, the actual progress towards any meaningful events is extremely slow and tedious. A lot of action takes place, but not in any way which makes the reader think "good, that's been accomplished - what are they going to do next?". It's more like "okay, so they've done that now - why, and when are they going to do anything meaningful?"

This book should be at most 50% of its length, and appended to the abridged text of the first book in order to try to make a worthwhile story which can be read in a reasonable amount of time, and has a decent feeling of pace to it.

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