Immediately after installing a Debian / Devuan server, there are several things I like to do in order to make it more usable and/or familiar.
Feel free to pick and choose which ones of these you like and which you prefer to live without.
(Depending on how your system got installed (eg: maybe as an image from a virtual hosting provider), and which release version you are starting from, some of these may already be done for you, and/or may not be necessary, but none will cause any harm.)
# apt-get install aptitude # aptitude install at less net-tools ntp psmisc rsync vim # aptitude purge apparmor nano vim-tiny
(If you don't purge nano, then you might get surprised when you run some command such as visudo and expect it to edit the sudoers file using vi, and find yourself looking at nano instead - you didn't type nanosudo, after all.) Also, Debian 11 / Devuan 4 and above enable apparmor by default, which is likely to get in your way until you decide you actually want to use it. Oddly, I haven't found an obvious way to leave it installed but not enabled.
# aptitude purge policykit-1
Policykit appears to be something the systemd people introduced; you don't need it, and it may well make your system insecure. Purging this package also seems to eliminate a whole load of things to do with X11, GTK and Gnome, which you probably don't want on a server in the first place.
# echo "syntax off" >> ~/.vimrc
(It would be good to find a system-wide way of doing this, but adding the same thing to any of /etc/vim/vimrc, /etc/vim/vimrc.local or /usr/share/vim/vimrc simply doesn't work. Therefore you have to do this in the home directory of each user who wants to be able to see files as they edit them.)
# vi /etc/profile immediately under "export PATH" add: export HISTSIZE=10000 export HISTFILESIZE=10000 export HISTCONTROL=none export HISTTIMEFORMAT="%F %T "
If you plan on using a Graphical Desktop Environment, it's a good idea to add the above lines to /etc/bash.bashrc as well, otherwise you get different results depending on whether you log in at the console or start a window manager and then open a console session inside it.
While you're editing /etc/profile, add the line export QUOTING_STYLE=literal
so you can see filenames output by ls as you've been used to for the past 30 years. It's a good idea to add the above line to /etc/bash.bashrc as well, otherwise you get different results depending on whether you log in at the console or start a window manager and then open a console session inside it.
Add "dateext" and "dateyesterday" (uncommented) to /etc/logrotate.conf
The first setting tells logrotate to use dates instead of numbers in the filenames, the second tells it to name the file for the date of the contents, not the date of the logrotation (which generally happens the day after the contents were created). Note that these settings make it even more meaningful that logrotate should be run very soon after midnight on each day.
# sysctl -w net.ipv4.ping_group_range="0 65535"
Some idiot decided that ping is now a privileged command, only to be used by root. The above allows normal users (and monitoring systems such as Icinga) to carry on using ping as they have been able to since the beginning of Unix and Linux.
# vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config If there is a line (which may be commented-out) "PermitRootLogin prohibit-password" change this to "PermitRootLogin yes" (not commented-out). If there is a line "PasswordAuthentication no" change this to "PasswordAuthentication yes". Immediately under "PubkeyAuthentication yes" (which may be commented out, and can remain so) add: PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes=+ssh-dss and then restart the SSH daemon: # /etc/init.d/ssh restart
It's perfectly safe to restart sshd even while you're logged in over SSH, although I still recommend testing a second login before logging out of the session where you restarted the daemon. Note that for more modern releases, you may well find directories /etc/ssh/ssh_config.d and /etc/ssh/sshd_config.d exist. If this is the case, then instead of modifying the file sshd_config, simply add the configuration items you want to one or more files (with names ending in .conf) under sshd-config.d. This will avoid questions like "do you want to install the new version or keep your modified version?" when you upgrade sshd at a later date.
# vi /etc/default/su (this file may not exist - create it if necessary) add: ALWAYS_SET_PATH=yes
Debian used to give the root user a sensible $PATH (including /sbin and /usr/sbin) when a non-root user used the command "su". Now the Debian people have decided you have to say "su -" instead to get that behaviour. If you want to carry on using "su", make the above change to /etc/default/su. If you're still using systemd, then I don't believe this fix works, so you're on your own trying to work out how to do this in that situation.
# vi /etc/ssh/ssh_config change the entry for HashKnownHosts from "yes" to "no"
sed -i "s/:root:/:$HOSTNAME:/" /etc/passwd
# aptitude install sysvinit-{core,utils} accept the prompt to remove systemd-sysv Reboot # aptitude purge systemd
If you've installed a Graphical Desktop Environment such as KDE or Gnome, then this won't work (it'll try to uninstall most of your system) - the solution here is to upgrade to Devuan instead.
# vi /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/norecommendationsplease APT::Install-Recommends "false"; APT::Get::Install-Recommends "false"; # vi /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/nosuggestionsplease APT::Install-Suggests "false"; APT::Get::Install-Suggests "false";
This stops apt or aptitude from automatically installing packages which you didn't ask to install, but are simply recommended or suggested by the package maintainer. It will tell you what those packages are, though, so you can install them as well if you agree that they're a good idea.
# vi /etc/inittab at the end of each line such as "1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty1" add the option "--noclear"
If you're still using systemd, then there is no /etc/inittab; you're on your own trying to work out how to do this in that situation.
vi /etc/init.d/ Add the option "-t 30" to the single instance of "sulogin" in that script: if ! sulogin -t 30 $CONSOLE
If you're still using systemd, then there is no /etc/init.d/; you're on your own trying to work out how to do this in that situation.
# aptitude install acpid acpi-support-base
If you don't have these packages installed, qemu cannot shut down guest VMs, so:
# Uncomment the following to stop low-level messages on console #kernel.printk = 3 4 1 3
# aptitude install fail2ban
It blocks only SSH by default; you must enable blocking of any other services manually. Be sure to add your own IPs to the whitelist so that you don't get locked out by accident!
In /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf add the IPs, network ranges and/or DNS host names of all your own trusted systems: ignoreip =
There is probably more, which I've temporarily forgotten, but I'll add it when it comes back to me after using the latest machine I've installed and find that something's not right…
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