VAT (Making Tax Difficult)

I run a business which is registered for VAT in the UK.

Once upon a time this was simple - the tax office (HMRC) sent you an A4 piece of paper once every three months, you filled it in with 9 numbers (one of which was the sum of two others, one of which was the difference between two others, and three of which were for most people zero) and sent it back to them.

Then they decided it was the 21st century, so they'd better have a website, and aside from setting up an inconvenient login process, they simply shifted the 9 boxes on the piece of paper to 7 boxes on a web form (the two calculations were then done for you), and you filled this in once every three months. They were happy to email you to remind you it was time to do this, because you no longer got anything from them in the post.

Most recently, around 2017, they've decided that the website just isn't enough, and between 2019 and 2022 (depending on the turnover of your business), they've forced people to change to a new system where you have to do one of the following:

The new system is called Making Tax Digital, and HMRC provides a facility for finding MTD software, however their service does not even allow you to specify the Operating System you need it to run under!

It's very difficult to find suitable software which runs under Linux, for example.

For the time being (July 2022, which is the end of my first accounting quarter when I can no longer file online) I am using PcVatFreeBridge, but I would dearly like to see an Open Source solution for this.

Incidentally, the user manual mentions that it can take figures from an Excel spreadsheet (why not Open Document format? Even HMRC publishes stuff using that) or from CSV, but gives almost zero guidance as to the format of the CSV file, so here are some clues:

  1. the software refers to rows in the CSV file by numbers, and columns (which can be comma- or tab-separated) by letters
  2. you can create a CSV file containing your data, labels, comments etc pretty much however you wish
  3. you then edit the reference to the "box" data fields in the software (once you have specified the filename), and it finds the data for you
  4. it also stores this information in the file .100PcVatFreeBridge/YourVATnumber/ in your home directory

So, for example, I chose a format with data on separate lines, the first column being the HMRC box reference as a reminder, the second field being a short description (such as "VAT due on Sales") and the third field being the number from my accounts for that quarter.

The file ended up containing:


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