The Belt, by Gerald Kilby

ISBN: 9781983567292, 9781982934750, 9781729083581, (Trilogy: 9781999328672)
Amazon ID: B08JQN6D7Z

The very start of the book is rather marred by the phrase "comprises of" on the copyright page. It should be "comprises" or "comprised of", but "comprises of" is just wrong.

Anyway, The Belt is a series of books, and the edition I bought is comprised of:

Enigma ends with the same comment as the others: "To be continued…"

My overall summary of the series (for details see each of the books above) is that the story is okay (nothing like as good as Colony Mars), but the writing desperately needs a proofreader.

There are also strange and not entirely pleasant shadows of Blade Runner throughout The Belt - whether deliberate or subconscious on the part of the author, I don't know, but so far I've been distracted by:

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