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Robot, by Adam Wisniewski-Snerg

ISBN: 9780241485118
Amazon ID: B08G842W83


A confusing book, about a character who is confused.

We are told at the beginning that what the character does will have a purpose, but the character will not find out what it is, and it seems that we won't either.

I may be being unfair with that comment, because I managed to wade through about 50% of it before I needed to try something else with a bit of continuity and meaning to the story.

I'll try to come back and finish the book, and this review.


The book remains just as confusing, although the character has stopped being confused and simply come to accept that things are strange, and often meaningless.

The story also seems meaningless (and pointless), although I know I cannot say that for certain until I reach the end.

I've struggled through to 80% now, and I'm going to get to the end, although this is with far more of a sense of grim determination than any anticipation of having read a good story.

At last

Chapters 1, 2, 20, 21 and 22 should be published as a worthwhile short story in their own right. The remainder (the middle 75%) should be removed, and then it could be a book worth reading.

I don't believe we ever found out what the purpose of the character's actions was.


The copyright page describes this as an abridged version. I don't think I could have got to the end of a longer one.

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