Armada, by Ernest Cline

ISBN: 9780099586746
Amazon ID: B00UR2SJZY

Ready Player One started off from the premise that a large proportion of the population spends their time in a virtual reality environment, and this is where the majority of the story takes place.

Armada starts from the premise that what people think is virtual reality is not in fact virtual after all.

Once you manage to accept that part, it's a pretty good story, and moves along quite nicely, almost until the end, when it comes to a rather abrupt and simplistic conclusion to the story. It feels as though the author felt "I've told the story I wanted to, now I need to wrap things up so that readers don't think 'but what happens next?'; I'll that quickly and then publish it."

The ending is okay, just a bit sudden and lacking in detail. I recommend the book.

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