====== Configuring the server (target) using IET ====== # aptitude install iscsitarget iscsitarget-dkms This will involve (automatically) building a kernel module for your specific machine, which means that binutils, cpp, gcc, kernel headers, make and all sorts of other stuff which you might not have expected, will get installed first. Note that **you do not need to reboot** after the kernel module has been rebuilt - it gets installed automatically and works with your already-running kernel. The next step is to create a configuration file for what you want to share from this machine. The existing file **/etc/iet/ietd.conf** contains only comments, you can either overwrite it, rename it and create a new file, or edit it, as you prefer. Personally I rename it to **ietd.conf.dist** and then create my own **ietd.conf**. I do the same with **initiators.allow**. ===== Example ===== I want to share the Logical Volume **/dev/SCSItarget/share** to any machine on my local network **/etc/iet/ietd.conf** contains: Target iqn.2017-04.de.dehy.retinal:SCSIshare Lun 0 Path=/dev/SCSItarget/share,Type=fileio,ScsiId=xyz,ScsiSN=xyz **/etc/iet/initiators.allow** contains: iqn.2017-04.de.dehy.retinal:SCSIshare Notes: - **iqn.** should be used verbatim - **2017-04** is the date you set up the share (I have no idea of any significance to this, but it's conventional) - **de.dehy.retinal** is conventionally the reverse of the hostname of the server (which in my case is retinal.dehy.de), however you can set it to anything you might prefer so long as it looks like a reversed DNS name - **SCSIshare** is the name of the shared device as it will appear to the client/s - Each **Target** may have multiple LUNs (just the same as standard SCSI devices) but you generally won't use this - just set up multiple targets, each with a single LUN (numbered 0) - The **Path** is where to find the shared device or file - Leave **Type=fileio,ScsiId=xyz,ScsiSN=xyz** as they are, until you learn any good reason to change them Modify **/etc/default/iscsitarget** so that **ISCSITARGET_ENABLE=true** on the first line. Once you've created those config files, restart the iSCSI service: # /etc/init.d/iscsitarget restart Note that the iSCSI service and the configured shares will be restarted automatically on reboot. ---- [[.:|Go up]]\\ Return to [[:|main index]].