====== Adding a new node to an Icinga2 setup ======
The [[https://docs.icinga.com/icinga2/latest/doc/module/icinga2/chapter/distributed-monitoring|documentation]] for setting up a distributed monitoring setup using [[https://docs.icinga.com/icinga2/latest/doc/module/icinga2/toc|Icinga2]] is all very well, but it's not as clear as I would like, so here's a simple step-by-step guide to adding a new node to your existing distributed Icinga2 setup.
It's assumed that:
* you are using [[https://docs.icinga.com/icinga2/latest/doc/module/icinga2/chapter/distributed-monitoring#distributed-monitoring-top-down-command-endpoint|top-down command endpoint]] mode
* you have already [[https://docs.icinga.com/icinga2/latest/doc/module/icinga2/chapter/distributed-monitoring#distributed-monitoring-setup-master|created a Master node]] for your Icinga2 network
* you have [[https://docs.icinga.com/icinga2/latest/doc/module/icinga2/chapter/getting-started|installed Icinga2]] on the new node (here's a [[.installation|local summary]])
These instructions work no matter whether you're setting up a simple "monitored endpoint" node, or an intermediate "satellite" node.
- Create a PKI ticket __on the Master__ machine# icinga2 pki ticket --cn FQDN.of.new.node
Copy the ticket number this command generates, for use later
- Run the Node Wizard __on the new node__, using answers as shown below:# icinga2 node wizard
- Satellite setup
- CN = FQDN of the new node
- Master Common Name = "parent" node for the new node (this might be the overall Master, might be an intermediate machine, depending on your setup)
- Establish a connection to the master? "Yes" if the parent is reachable from this node.
- Master endpoint host - FQDN or IP address of this machine's parent
- Master connection for CSR auto-signing - FQDN or IP address of **the** Master (the one with the CA on it, where you created the ticket above)
- enter the ticket number generated by the Master machine when requested
- Accept config from master? "Yes"
- Accept commands from master? "Yes"
- Comment out the conf.d directory __on the new node__ so that it won't be used:
* Edit **/etc/icinga2/icinga2.conf** and comment-out **include_recursive "conf.d"** by adding a **#** at the start of the line
- Edit the **/etc/icinga2/zones.conf** file __on the new node__
- Add the "global-templates" zone:object Zone "global-templates" { global = true }
- Set the correct Host, Endpoint and Parent names for this node and its parent node
* you do not need to define any nodes higher than this node's direct parent
* you __should__ define the Host of an Endpoint if that Host is reachable from this node
* you __should not__ define the Host of an Endpoint if that Host is not reachable from this node
* you can define one Host, or both, but zero will not work
* the Endpoint names should match the CNs used in the PKI ticket creation
* the Zone definitions must match exactly on this node and this node's master
- Create a new Zone for the node __on the Master__ machine# mkdir /etc/icinga2/zones.d/NEWZONE
* add a Host definition for this machine inside the new zone directory
- Restart Icinga2 on the new node# /etc/init.d/icinga2 restart
- Reload Icinga2 on the Master# /etc/init.d/icinga2 reload
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