====== Twisted, by Steve Cavanagh ====== ISBN: 9781409170709\\ Amazon ID: [[https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07G19CB1N|B07G19CB1N]] This book has its ups and downs. Overall the ups win, definitely. It's a good book. Biggest case in point: about half-way in, you suddenly find out "What?? This person isn't who they seemed to be all along?", and for me, that was enough to actually stop, read something else completely different, and then come back to re-read Twisted from the beginning again. As the story goes on, though, there's a certain element of "How many ways can a person fake being dead without it being detected that they're still alive?", and the final one of those was just a bit too much for me to be plausible. So, in the end, that spoiled the story, but overall, I'd recommend it, especially if you like the idea of reading a book which is a crime story about an author who writes books about crime stories. ---- [[.:|Go up]]\\ Return to [[:|main index]].