====== The Girl on the Train, by Paula Hawkins ====== ISBN: 9781784161750\\ Amazon ID: [[https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00NOPQU2K|B00NOPQU2K]] This book seems to start out well enough, about a girl who travels every day by train (the clue is in the title, it seems), and she sees a couple called Jess and Jason who live in a house overlooking the railway line, and the story starts discussing their lives. Then you find out that this girl doesn't know these people at all, they're not called Jess or Jason, and she's simply making up a lifestyle for people she sees out of the window. Maybe some people are like that, but it's not my way of doing things, and she just irritates me with her attitude to creating life which isn't real instead of getting on with what she has. ---- [[.:|Go up]]\\ Return to [[:|main index]].