====== Spore, by David Kristoph ====== ISBN: 9798650056935\\ Amazon ID: [[https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B08DCR4DC5|B08DCR4DC5]] **Don't give mustard to dogs.** I think this is quite a good book with a solid story and pretty good characters. A proof-reader or editor should have picked up on "the facility was originally a Confederate prison, abandoned after the Battle of Cedar Creek in 1964. It was renovated in 1908 for reuse..." You may not know that the Battle of Cedar Creek was actually in 1864 without looking it up, but a Confederate prison being abandoned in 1964 sounds a bit strange, even if you don't know much American history, and the renovation in 1908 simply doesn't work at all. Certainly worth reading, so long as you can overlook some of the dubious science. ---- [[.:|Go up]]\\ Return to [[:|main index]].